(Fred Reed served as my inspiration for this piece. Credit to him.)

Who do I vote for? More to the point, who can I vote for? The candidates all want things I don’t want, and don’t want things I do want.

I want a government limited by the constitution. None of them want that. (Except Ron Paul.)

I want to end the empire, shut down our foreign military bases, and bring our troops home. None of them want that. (Except Ron Paul.)

I want money I can count on instead of this funny stuff that the Federal Reserve creates out of thin air. None of them want that. (Except Ron Paul.)

I want to end the police state, eliminate the TSA, repeal the Patriot Act and shut down the DEA. None of them want that. (Except Ron Paul.)

I want the government to quit protecting the criminals who have bankrupted us. I speak of the CEOs of Citibank, BofA, Goldman Sachs, MF Global, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, AIG and the like. None of them want that. (Except Ron Paul.)

I want the IRS eliminated. I can live with a national sales tax in exchange for losing the income tax. None of them want that. (Except Ron Paul.)

I want the government out of my bedroom, out of my kitchen, out of education and out of healthcare. None of them want that. (Except Ron Paul.)

Obama is exactly what I thought he would be: more of the same. More war. More debt. More government. Less freedom. Less openness. Less honesty.

So I’d like to hear from you, my loyal reader. Who do I vote for?