As The Dad You Wish You Had, I feel an obligation to help you young men and women understand the traps laid for you in the modern world.

One of the nastier traps out there goes by the name “anti-racism.” It is one of the vile offspring of “Critical Theory.”

James Lindsay studies this cancer on the body politic known as “Critical Theory.” He knows the literature of Theory, (as he calls it), as well as or better than any of the so-called experts in the field.

The following masterclass in How to Answer an Anti-racist is taken directly from a Twitter conversation between Lindsay and Lisa Moorish.

Watch and learn, children. Watch and learn.

Jack Heald

White Guy and therefore a "Racist", (at least according to Critical Theory)

Lindsay sets the stage for this epic smackdown with a description of Critical Theory as it pertains to “Whiteness.” I quote from his initial Twitter exchange.

Pretty much the whole critical whiteness facade is built upon this simple dynamic:

  1. Race-hustler aggressively accosts white person about race (aggression is intentionally advocated)
  2. White person becomes uncomfortable
  3. Hustler uses discomfort as proof of racism.


The “scholarly” race hustlers then go off and write down an academic paper based on that dynamic they forced into a situation, and the “academic canon” about race and racism grows in a direction that enables and informs even more race-hustling and related shakedowns.

It’s fraud.

Here’s the game put a different way: Bring up race and racism in an aggressive way with a white person who you know is going to be put on the spot, and then characterize the reaction of being put on the spot as a kind of moral failure. Absolutely enraging that it works.

At this point, Lisa Moorish decides she is morally obligated to lecture Lindsay.

That’s when the fun begins.

Lisa Moorish: Change ‘white person’ to racist, then you’re almost there with this absolute shite.

James Lindsay: “White person” and “racist” are synonyms. Only a racist wouldn’t know that already. Do better.

Lisa Moorish: ’White person‘ and ‘racist’ are synonymous to insecure white racists. Only a white racist would be dumb enough not to already no this. Try harder.

James Lindsay: Do you think you have a positive white identity, Lisa? Do you somehow think you’re less racist because you’re progressive? That’s not how any of this works. You need to educate yourself.

All I’m seeing from you is an attempt to deflect from doing your own anti-racist self-reflection by projecting that other white people are more racist than you are, but white people like you make themselves the most dangerous supporters of white supremacy in exactly this way.

The only difference between white supremacists like yourself and white supremacists in the KKK is that you try to mask yours and maintain your white ignorance and white comfort with performative anti-racism displays. This makes your complicity all the worse because it’s hidden.

I understand what you’re trying to get at by insinuating I’m a racist, but this is really just a manifestation of your own white fragility. You lack the racial stamina to do your own anti-racism work and so respond with a predictable set of defensive rhetorical moves like this.

Your initial comment reveals to me that you don’t actually understand how good white progressives such as yourself are complicit in and actively support white supremacy and that you’re willing to hide behind your progressive values and allyship to avoid necessary self-critique.

Lisa Moorish: I just told you I’m not white James. So nothing you have said so far applies to me. What part of ‘I’m not white’ do you not get?

James Lindsay: White fragility again.

Lisa Moorish: From you? Yes.

James Lindsay: Keep deflecting. More white fragility.

Lisa Moorish: Yes, you should stop James.

James Lindsay: Becoming defensive is just one of the symptoms of white fragility, Lisa. I’m not defensive. I’m trying to help you confront your complicity in racism. Why are you so unwilling to accept the fact that racism works in systemic ways and that your values support it?

And that’s how you do it, children.

Every rhetorical technique Lindsay deploys in this “conversation” was taken directly from the literature of Critical Theory. Poor Lisa Moorish has likely never been on the business end of her pet beliefs.

Now she’s been force-fed a dose of her own medicine.

James Lindsay is the founder of the website New Discourses, the co-author along with Peter Boghossian of How to Have Impossible Conversations and the co-author along with Helen Pluckrose of the upcoming book Cynical Theories.

I recommend you familiarize yourself with their work.