
Last updated: 21 April 2021

A Farewell to Arms: Ernest Hemingway

Appearance of Power: Tanner Guzy

Beyond Order: Jordan Peterson

Blue Truth: David Deida

The Body Keeps the Score: Bessel Van Der Kolk

Bronze Age Mindset: Bronze Age Pervert

Cashvertising: Drew Eric Whitman

Crackhead Hustle: Ed Latimore

Democrat to Deplorable: Jack Murphy

Engagement is the New Cocaine: Ed Latimore

Gorilla Mindset: Mike Cernovich

Journey: Beth Marten

Lonesome Gods: Louis L’amour

Man’s Search for Meaning: Viktor Frankl

Marketing Outrageously Redux: Jon Spoelstra

The Master and His Emissary: Iain McGilchrist

My Voice Will Go With You: Erickson

Open Borders: Bryan Caplan

Personal Sacred Practice: Chance Lunceford

Pillars of the Earth: Ken Follett

Save the Cat!: Blake Snyder

Strong Poison: Dorothy Sayers

Strong Towns: Charles Marohn Jr.

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Ries & Trout

The True Believer: Eric Hoffer

Three Magic Words: U.S. Anderson

Uncommon Mentality: Chance Lunceford

White Arrow: Noble Brown

Win Bigly: Scott Adams

Win Your Case: Gerry Spence



Story Brand: Donald Miller

The Magic of Thinking Big: David Schwartz

The Origins and History of Consciousness: Erich Neumann

Titan: Ron Chernow

Word Hero: Jay Heinrichs

On Deck

Changing Minds: Howard Gardner

Differentiate or Die: Trout & Rivkin

Ogilvy on Advertising: David Ogilvy

The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Allan Dib

The Hero With a Thousand Faces: Joseph Campbell