Changing your body naturally involves changing your physical habits. If you’re over weight, you must change the habits you have with food. If you are out of shape, then you must change the habits you have with exercise.

And if you are not satisfied with your experience of life, then you have to change the part of your life where that experience happens. No – I’m not saying you’ve got to move to another town.

I’m saying you need to change the mental habits you’ve developed over time. You’ve got to change your mindset habits. And that brings us to the subject of today’s post: Mike Cernovich’s Gorilla Mindset.

First of all, I’ll give you the punchline: the book is definitely a worthwhile read.

There’s nothing groundbreaking in the content, but the way it’s put together is better than any self-help book I’ve read. And it draws on the best of everything else that already exists in the personal development and mindset markets.

If you were going to get just one personal development book to work from, this one would be the way to go. Not because it is the most exhaustive or the most groundbreaking. But because it covers pretty well everything that’s known in the world of personal development as it relates to mindset.

Note that this does not address such mind-expanding exercises as sensory deprivation tanks or psychedelic drugs.

It’s all things you can do starting right now using nothing more than your mind, your body, a pen and piece of paper.

The book is extremely practical. There are no woo-woo sorts of claims or nutty exercises in this book. He explains clearly how to apply the habits, and how to use them.

Cernovich appears to be a guy who genuinely practices what he preaches, and it shows in his life as well as his work.

I can recommend it without reservation.