TDYWYH #14 • Helping a Boy Become a Man

We have rituals for death, we have rituals for birth. We even have rituals for birthdays. But one of the things that we don’t have is a ritual for probably the single biggest change outside of birth, marriage, and death that any human being can go through. And that’s the transition from childhood to adulthood.

TDYWYH #13 • The Difference Between Boys And Men

{transcript} Today I’m gonna talk about the difference between boys and men. That is in preparation for discussing initiation rites to help boys make the transition from boyhood into manhood. The first, most obvious difference between a boy and a man is...

TDYWYH #16 • Raise Boys With a Heroic Vision

{transcript} Today we’re going to talk about a heroic vision for our boys. One of my normal bedtime routines is to read something – generally light fiction – because it helps me to unwind on those nights when I don’t sleep well or when I have...

TDYWYH #12 • Initiation Rites for Boys

Today we’re going to talk about initiation rites how a boy can’t make the transition from boyhood into manhood. Historically, most stable cultures had a way to transition boys from a state of boyhood to a state of manhood. We’ve lost that by and...

TDYWYH #11 • The Real Cost of Dishonesty

{transcript} Sir Isaac Newton discovered that one of the rules of the physical universe is that every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. And as best as we can tell, that’s true. It’s true for everything that has anything to do with physics. But...