The Value of Honesty & the Price of Deception

Social media companies coordinated with one another to ban a doctor who claims to have successfully treated hundreds of patients with HCQ, Zinc and Z-pac. Why? On this periscope, I talk about the price of deception versus the value of honesty. Jack Heald Patriarch •...

How to Trick Yourself into Sleep

It’s 2:00 in the morning. Your mind is racing and you can’t get it to stop. You have to be up in 4 hours. You do everything you can think of to turn off the noise in your head, without success. No matter what you do, your mind won’t stop and your body won’t sleep. Tomorrow is going to suck.

What’s the Best Soundtrack for Lifting?

What’s the Best Soundtrack for Lifting?

I was in a battle for my life. There was nothing in my world except me and that bar. And the music blasting out of those speakers was the soundtrack of battle. My battle.  I was going to war. Jack Heald The Dad You Wish You Had When I first started lifting, I...

Remind me not to do that again…

Okay, so I was up till Oh-Dark-Thirty yesterday, which is not a Good Thing for me. MBB’s daughter Ashley, who lives with us, is dealing with walking pneumonia right now, as is her daughter Bella. Yesterday afternoon, MBB announced that she felt lousy and wished...