The 4 Drivers of Love & Devotion

First impressions happen so fast we can’t stop them. They are sub-conscious. These sub-conscious reactions are hard-wired into our bodies. They happen so fast that we don’t even notice it. But what is it that creates that instant connection? And can you create it at will? The answer will surprise you.

How “Cult Your Brand” Came to Be

In 1990, my business was almost destroyed by the loss of my two best customers. After years of doing everything right, they chose a competitor over me. It made no sense. My competition were known liars. But that didn’t matter. My two best customers left me, and I was...

The Shape of the Stories We Love

Mike Tyson’s life is an archetypal story. His story is one of the three “story shapes” that all human beings love. Each is an archetypal story. 

Is it rational? Of course not. But that doesn’t matter. Create a story for yourself that follows one of the three archetypes.