“A slave is one who waits for someone to come free him.”

Ezra Pound

American Expat Poet, (1885-1972)

You’ve quarantined now for two months. Years from now, you’ll look back on this time and either cringe or laugh. Cringe, because you were so fearful, or laugh because you were so silly.

I hear people now pleading with the government, “give us our freedom back.”

I laugh.

Listen close, my sons, (and daughters). Freedom is never, ever given.

Freedom is something that free men take. Freedom is something that slaves learn to live without.

If you feel that you are not free, then you have a choice. You can either take your freedom, or get used to your chains.
If you sit around waiting for someone to free you, then you are a slave.

If you whine because The Government is not granting you your freedom, then you are a slave, not a freeman.

The number of times that slavers granted freedom to their slaves is vanishingly small. Almost without exception, freedom was won. Freedom was fought for. Freedom was wrested from the hands of the slavers. Freedom was assumed and then taken.

In 1776, the American colonists decided that they’d had enough. They declared themselves free from the rule of Great Britain and the King. Then they fought a war to enforce their decision.

Now, the flip side of the coin from freedom is responsibility. The reason most people tolerate slavery is that they don’t want responsibility.

One thing a slave gets to do that a free man doesn’t get to do? Complain about his circumstances. A slave has no control over his own life, so he complains.

A free man is responsible for his own life, so he has no room to complain. If he doesn’t like his life, its up to him to change it.

Freedom with responsibility? Or freedom from responsibility? Which do you want?

Are you a free man? Or are you a slave?